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04/22/2018 06:00 PM
04/22/2018 7:30 PM
The Longest Table – In home edition
For the past three years, Tallahassee and Leon County residents have come together to share a meal and engage in heartfelt conversations aimed at breaking down community divides and building relationships through The Longest Table. This spring, we’re inviting you once again to participate in this unique community event – to open your homes and your hearts to our neighbors.
To be determined. Tallahassee, Florida



Longest Table Home Edition: Sunday, April 22nd, from 6 to 7:30 pm

We’ll email you shortly with more information about where your dinner will be if you’ve just signed up to be a guest and specifics about hosting if you’ve volunteered to host a dinner. We can’t wait to see you at the Longest Table on Sunday, April 22nd from 6 to 7:30 pm.

the longest table on you tube
"Breaking bread at one continuous and symbolic dinner table."

Unrest and discord can show up in our daily lives when we’re unable to see one another as people. With this in mind, our community came together to explore a simple, yet powerful idea – that meaningful connections could be built among people who might not otherwise cross paths.

cnn money on knight city challenge winners
Innovation is happening in cities across the country

The Longest Table was one of only 37 projects in cities across America to win the Knight Cities Challenge for innovation. From CNNMoney: “This year, 37 projects from 19 cities won a total of $5 million. But the scope of the projects was even greater: More than 4,500 groups submitted their takes on innovation.”

citylab on the longest table
CityLab: 'The Longest Table' Helps Tallahassee break down barriers

A lot can be discussed over sweet tea and Southern barbecue, especially among more than 400 strangers gathered around a 350-foot-long table in Tallahassee, Florida. Diners poured in from all parts of town; some were new residents, while others were longtime Floridians. Click to read article.

Knight Foundation
Community conversations create solutions to common problems

In Tallahassee, Florida, The Longest Table, a 2016 Knight Cities Challenge winner, sought to build cross-community relationships with a series of conversations over meals in 100 homes.

the longest table on you tube
"Breaking bread at one continuous and symbolic dinner table."

Unrest and discord can show up in our daily lives when we’re unable to see one another as people. With this in mind, our community came together to explore a simple, yet powerful idea – that meaningful connections could be built among people who might not otherwise cross paths.

cnn money on knight city challenge winners
Innovation is happening in cities across the country

The Longest Table was one of only 37 projects in cities across America to win the Knight Cities Challenge for innovation. From CNNMoney: “This year, 37 projects from 19 cities won a total of $5 million. But the scope of the projects was even greater: More than 4,500 groups submitted their takes on innovation.”

citylab on the longest table
CityLab: 'The Longest Table' Helps Tallahassee break down barriers

A lot can be discussed over sweet tea and Southern barbecue, especially among more than 400 strangers gathered around a 350-foot-long table in Tallahassee, Florida. Diners poured in from all parts of town; some were new residents, while others were longtime Floridians. Click to read article.

Knight Foundation
Community conversations create solutions to common problems

In Tallahassee, Florida, The Longest Table, a 2016 Knight Cities Challenge winner, sought to build cross-community relationships with a series of conversations over meals in 100 homes.

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