From Berkeley to BYU:
Respect + Rebellion on Campus


eat, drink, think. Agree, disagree, repeat.
If you dare.

Emerging from the shadow of their parents generation’s go-to habit of binary thinking about politics, American campuses are overflowing with big changes, big ideas, big challenges to the status quo and big differences of opinion. If you look closely – inside the two-dimensional group lines we’re divided along – the sonic booms coming out of campuses coast-to-coast are the tectonic shifts of vast individuality emerging from the tribal red/blue black/white this/that constraints that limited mom and dad. And there are as many variations of how it’s done as there are students enrolled, and as many truths as there are pairs of feet. We say embrace this rebellion with respect and give it a home on every campus in America. Variety in opinions, colors of faces, and lives lived makes everything more interesting. Page down to see resources that can help bring this spirit of respect + rebellion to your campus. We say bring on the differences, we can take it.

Interested in bringing the Respect + Rebellion speaker series to your campus? Contact us.


Below you’ll learn about the campuses we’re working on now, beginning with our 2018-19 pilot campuses BYU and U Cal Berkeley. Click the campus page and you’ll find existing resources and upcoming events on each specific campus. Interested in becoming a pilot Respect + Rebellion campus? Contact us.

Check out the speaker pairs here. Begin a treasonous friendship if you can. Elsewhere on the site also find the ideas, resources, people, and events that we find riveting and inspiring if you want to embrace difference and dive into divergence. It’s the best thinking we’ve heard by the best thinkers we know.

Sometimes you’ve got to rebel with respect, sometimes you’ll need to respect rebelliously. Either way, a little bit of disagreeing every day grows our brains, our hearts and our absolute uniqueness.


Respect + Rebellion @ BYU 2018-19
Respect + Rebellion @ BYU:
Fall 2018

In partnership with the BYU Law School’s Conflict Resolution Center, we’re proud to present a year of programming exploring innovative ways to bridge differences across ideological division. Learn more about the BYU community and our campus partners by clicking MORE.

Respect + Rebellion @ Berkeley
Respect + Rebellion @ Berkeley:
Fall 2018

In partnership The Center on Civility and Democratic Engagement, Bridge USA, and some other seriously cool cats, Respect + Rebellion will be taking it on the road to the Golden State. U Cal Berkeley, here we come!

September 25th - 27th | University of Utah
Dialoguing Across Differences:
McMurrin Series

Beginning with a breakfast conversation on Tuesday, September 25th “Navigating Political Differences” and closing with dinner on Thursday, September 27th “What does it mean to be an American?” – Respect + Rebellion speaker pair Jacob Hess and Phil Neisser are at University of Utah!!

Respect + Rebellion @ BYU 2018-19
Respect + Rebellion @ BYU:
Fall 2018

In partnership with the BYU Law School’s Conflict Resolution Center, we’re proud to present a year of programming exploring innovative ways to bridge differences across ideological division. Learn more about the BYU community and our campus partners by clicking MORE.

Respect + Rebellion @ Berkeley
Respect + Rebellion @ Berkeley:
Fall 2018

In partnership The Center on Civility and Democratic Engagement, Bridge USA, and some other seriously cool cats, Respect + Rebellion will be taking it on the road to the Golden State. U Cal Berkeley, here we come!

September 25th - 27th | University of Utah
Dialoguing Across Differences:
McMurrin Series

Beginning with a breakfast conversation on Tuesday, September 25th “Navigating Political Differences” and closing with dinner on Thursday, September 27th “What does it mean to be an American?” – Respect + Rebellion speaker pair Jacob Hess and Phil Neisser are at University of Utah!!

resources for your campus

Heterodox Academy partners with professors, administrators, and students to depolarize college campuses and classrooms.

resources for your campus
Free Intelligent

Whether you’re hosting a Respect + Rebellion event or another bridge-building idea, inviting Free Intelligent Conversations to your campus is an inspiring way to start your conversation – or continue it.

resources for your campus
Pnyka: Bringing intimate
town halls to the 21st century

Athenians gathered for assemblies on a hill called the Pnyx. It was one of the earliest manifestations of democracy. Pnyka brings the spirit of self-determination from that hill into the digital age.

resources for your campus
Better Angels:
Let's Depolarize America.

Better Angels is a national citizens’ movement to reduce political polarization in the United States. They’re coming to your campus with Red Blue Workshops and Better Angels Debates.

resources for your campus
Bridge the Divide

BridgeUSA works with America’s future leaders on college campuses to foster spaces wherein a diverse range of ideas can engage one another through the practice of responsible discourse. Find (or start) a chapter near you.

resources for your campus

OpenMind is a psychology-based educational platform designed to depolarize campuses, companies, organizations, and communities. OpenMind helps people foster intellectual humility and mutual understanding.

demographic + Ideological diversity in a diversity curriculum
Examining an undergraduate
dialogue course

This paper details a liberal-conservative dialogue course at the University of Illinois as a model for how ideological diversity can be included with other important campus diversity efforts.

Bold explorations in community

Drawing on three decades of experience, Essential Partners invests in the power of campus communities to revitalize conversations across differences of belief, value, and identity. Our differences can make us stronger, but only if we learn how to talk about them.